ADE + PERC = 20.3% efficiency

NINES ADE texture demonstrates 20.3% mc-Si PERC cells at first try with Tier 1 cell manufacturer

Nines PV have demonstrated their ADE texturing process in a PERC mc-Si process, resulting in more than 20% cell efficiency in a standard industrial PERC process run in conjunction with Tier 1 cell manufacturer Hanwha Qcell and Fraunhofer ISE. 

The ADE process resulted in an uplift compared to the standard reference due to the superior texturing. The cell process used for this demonstration was the same as for the reference wafers that had been textured with the incumbent acidic texturing process; no adjustment of the downstream steps were performed, yet the efficiency obtained reached 20.3%, +0.2% absolute improvement above the best reference.

  The results were presented at the EUPVSEC conference in Amsterdam. Download the full poster here.

NINES PV and Hanwha Qcell are working together to integrate the ADE dry texturing process into the well established Q.ANTUM PERC process, using diamond wire (DW) cut mc-Si wafers.






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Nines Photovoltaics
Synergy Centre TU Dublin- Tallaght Campus
Dublin 24  D24 A386

T: +353 1 531 0164  *** NEW ***
F: +353 1 443 0647